The Employment Ordinance, Cap. 57
Rest Days
Q1. | Can an employer compel an employee to work 7 days in a week without granting him any rest days? |
Q2. | Can an employee work voluntarily on rest days? |
Q3. | Should rest days be with pay or without pay? |
Q4. | Can an employer ask an employee to take his rest days on statutory holidays? |
Content |
Q1. | Can an employer compel an employee to work 7 days in a week without granting him any rest days? |
A1. | No. An employee employed under a continuous
contract is entitled to one rest day in every period of seven
Except in the event of a breakdown of machinery or plant or in any other unforeseen emergency, an employer who compels an employee to work on a rest day is in breach of law. Under such exceptional circumstances, the employer should substitute another rest day within 30 days for any rest day on which the employee is required to work.
Q2. | Can an employee work voluntarily on rest days? |
A2. |
Yes. An employee, except a young person under the age of 18 employed in the industrial sector, may work voluntarily on a rest day.
Q3. | Should rest days be with pay or without pay? |
A3. |
This term is to be agreed between an employer and an employee.
Q4. | Can an employer ask an employee to take his rest days on statutory holidays? |
A4. |
No. An employee shall be granted rest days in addition to
statutory holidays.