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Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board

  • The Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board (MECAB) established under the Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board Ordinance (Cap. 453) adjudicates minor employment claims each involving not more than 10 claimants for a sum of money not exceeding $15,000* per claimant. Any employment claims above the jurisdictional limit of MECAB will be adjudicated by the Labour Tribunal of the Judiciary.
    * If the right of action in the claim arose wholly before 17 September 2021, this claim amount was not exceeding $8,000 per claimant.
  • A claimant having gone through conciliation by the Labour Relations Division (LRD) of the Labour Department without a settlement may file his claim with MECAB. Direct request for adjudication without first going through conciliation by LRD will not be accepted by MECAB.
  • Hearings of minor employment claims are conducted in public with no legal representation allowed on either side. The award or order made by an Adjudication Officer of MECAB is legally binding.
  • For more information, please read A Simple Guide to the Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board.