Relevant Safety Courses for Certified Worker recognized by the Commissioner for Labour pursuant to Section 4 of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation
- Construction Industry Council (Formerly known as Construction Industry Training Authority) *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2100 9171)
- Occupational Safety and Health Council *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2739 9377)
- CLP Power Hong Kong Limited *
- MTR Corporation Limited *
- Modern Terminals Limited *
- The Hongkong Electric Company Limited *
- The Hong Kong & China Gas Company Limited *
- Hongkong International Terminals Limited *
- Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation *
(The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Safety Training Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation and the Safety Training Revalidation Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation of this course provider. The effective date is 4 February 2009.)
- Yiu Lian Dockyards Ltd. *
- Dragages Hong Kong Limited (Formerly known as Dragages et Travaux Publics (HK) Ltd. ) *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2743 6317)
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2358 7229)
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2766 7579)
- Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2388 6887)
- Origin Production Limited trading as The Hong Kong Safety Training Association (Formerly known as Origin Production Limited) *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 8202 1515)
- Safety Specialist Services Ltd. *
(The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Safety Training Course for Certified Workers in Confined Space Operations of this course provider. The effective date is 4 June 2010.) (The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Revalidation Safety Training Course for Certified Workers in Confined Spaces Operations of this course provider. The effective date is 17 September 2010.) (Enquiry Telephone no. 2409 8111)
- Construction Site Workers General Union *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2770 8668)
- Hongkong United Dockyards Ltd.
- Dickson Construction Co. Ltd.
(This course provider has wound up since 18 August 2023.)
- Mak Hang Kei (HK) Construction Limited *
- Industrial Technology Consultants Ltd. *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2722 1801)
- Bilfinger Berger AG (Formerly known as Bilfinger Berger AG Auslandsbereich)
- James Safety Consultants Limited and Hong Kong Productivity Council *
(The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Safety Training Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation and the Safety Training Revalidation Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation of this course provider. The effective date is 2 March 2012.)
- H.K. & Kowloon Electrical Engineering & Appliances Trade Workers Union *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2393 9955)
- Gammon Construction Limited (Formerly known as Gammon Skanska Ltd.) *
- Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2725 3996)
- Occupational Safety & Health Management Institute *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2786 9009)
- Enviropace Limited *
- EnviroSafe Professional Consultancy Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2407 7113)
- Saiton Engineering Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2700 8388)
- Armed Forces Training Institute Limited
- Hong Kong Youth Interactive Education Centre Limited *
(The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Safety Training Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation and the Safety Training Revalidation Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation of this course provider. The effective date is 2 March 2012.)
- Construction Machinery Technical Training Centre*
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2477 2333)
- Hong Kong Human Resources Limited*
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2301 1197)
- KHK Management Consultants Limited (Formerly known as Safety Management Consultants Ltd.) *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2994 6844)
- Turboseen Consultants Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2527 0608)
- Rotter International Limited *
(The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Safety Training Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation and the Safety Training Revalidation Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation of this course provider. The effective date is 2 March 2012.) (Enquiry Telephone no. 2751 7770)
- SRDC Limited (Formerly known as Social Resources Development Centre Limited) *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2398 3885)
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Haking Wong) *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2361 5161)
- Lion Security Limited *
(The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Safety Training Course for Certified Workers in Confined Spaces Operations and the Revalidation Safety Training Course for Certified Workers in Confined Spaces Operations of this course provider. The effective date is 18 February 2011.) (Enquiry Telephone no. 2793 5335)
- UTI (International) Limited Trading As Utility Training Institute (Formerly known as UtilityINFO Institute) *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2690 3899)
- Hong Kong College of Technology
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2711 9820)
- Green Island Cement (Holdings) Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2440 5111)
- Sunkoshi Company Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2199 7774)
- Hong Kong Safety Training Centre *
(This course provider has wound up since 22 July 2008)
- Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited
- China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited
- The Association of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2332 7279)
- Southa Technical Limited *
- Star Education Institution Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2359 3311)
- Ecospace Limited *
- Leighton Contractors (Asia) Limited *
- Samsung - Hsin Chong Joint Venture *
- Lion Training Centre Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2793 5335)
- VINCI Construction Grands Projets *
- Swire Properties Management Limited *
- Asia Venture Human Resources & Construction Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 3612 4644)
- Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd.
(The Commissioner for Labour has withdrawn the recognition of the Safety Training Course for Certified Workers in Confined Space Operations of this course provider. The effective date is 30 April 2024.)
- Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Employees General Union
(Enquiry Telephone no. 3162 8285)
- Lodco Creative Centre Limited *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2832 2893)
- The Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions
(Enquiry Telephone no. 2776 7232)
- Greater Bay EHS Technology Consultant Limited trading as OSH Training Academy *
(Enquiry Telephone no. 7075 2337)
- Safety Health Environment Quality: SHE Q Academy Center Limited @
(Enquiry Telephone no. 3851 2800)
(1) The course providers marked with "*" also conduct revalidation training courses.
(2) For details of the courses (e.g. class schedules, training venues, teaching languages, etc.), please contact individual course providers.
(3) The course providers marked with "@" also provide English & Nepali bilingual course material.