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Forms and Appendices Applicable to Common Posts

Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme - Forms and Appendices Applicable to Common Posts (Downloadable)


Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme (ESLS) Application Form for Common Posts (Form ESLS-1A)

(If an employer uses “Application Form for Common Posts” and fills in the information specified in the "List of Common Posts", the preliminary screening will be expedited and employers can commence the four-week local recruitment exercise as soon as it is completed.)

Documents Checklist and Means of Application ESLS-1_Checklist
Declaration of Supplementary Information on Application for Importation of Workers under the Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme (ESLS) (Only Applicable to Sole Proprietor or Partnership Firm) (Appendix 1) ESLS-1_Appendix1
Information of Full-time Local Employees (Appendix 2) ESLS-1_Appendix2
An authorisation letter (signed by sole proprietor / director / authorised partner with the applicant’s chop) (Appendix 3) (if applicable) ESLS-1_Appendix3
Information of Imported Workers (Appendix 4) ESLS-1_Appendix4
Justifications for Labour Importation (Appendix 5) ESLS-1_Appendix5
Information of licence(s) / approval(s) required for lawful operation of business (Appendix 6) ESLS-1_Appendix6