Annual Report 2007
Chapter 1
Highlights of the Year 2007
1.1 |
Employment remains a subject of public concern despite continued improvement in the labour market, with the unemployment rate coming down from 8.5 per cent in mid-2003 to 3.4 per cent at the end of 2007. In the year, we had adopted new measures to better help the less competitive secure work. We launched the Transport Support Scheme to encourage the unemployed and low-income employees living in districts further afield to seek jobs. With concerted efforts and a proactive and pragmatic approach, the Labour Department had again achieved notable results in various programme areas in 2007. |
Employment ServicesEnhanced Employment Services |
1.2 |
Upholding a proactive, innovative, flexible and cost-effective approach to further strengthening our employment services to help the unemployed re-enter the labour market and meet the recruitment needs of employers, we held 10 large-scale job bazaars and 114 district-based job fairs in the year to assist job-seekers in finding jobs and employers in recruiting staff. A record high of 135 489 placements were secured through the Labour Department in 2007. The number of vacancies obtained from the private and public sectors, at 565 236, had also broken past records. Meanwhile, the Interactive Employment Services (iES) website ( recorded over 922 million page views in 2007 and continued to be one of the most heavily visited government websites. |
Helping the Low-income Group |
1.3 | To strengthen the employment support to those needy unemployed and low-income earners, the Government accepted the former Commission on Poverty's recommendation to introduce a one-year pilot Transport Support Scheme in June as one of the poverty alleviation measures. The scheme aims at encouraging the needy unemployed and low-income employees living in the four remote districts of Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, North and Islands to seek jobs and work across districts. Eligible applicants receive from the scheme time-limited transport allowances, viz. Job Search Allowance of up to $600 and Cross-district Transport Allowance of $600 per month for up to six months. | |
Strengthening Employment and Training Support for the Youth |
1.4 |
The Labour Department is determined to promote youth employment. In the year, we had adopted various measures to promote the employability of the young people. |
1.5 | We organised the Prize Presentation Ceremony for the Most Improved Trainees of the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme (YPTP) and the Youth Work Experience Training Scheme (YWETS) in July to showcase the benefits brought to the trainees through the two programmes and commend the caring efforts of training bodies and employers. The stories of the trainees in striving for improvement had provided the best encouragement to their peers and solidly exemplified the achievements of the trainees, training bodies, employers and the Government in nurturing the development of the young generation. | |
![]() Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr. Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung and
Commissioner for Labour Mrs. Cherry TSE LING Kit-ching with the 10 Most Improved Trainees, their
employers and representatives of training bodies.
1.6 | In December, we set up the first Youth Employment Resource Centre named Youth Employment Start (Y.E.S.) to provide one-stop career advisory, employment and self-employment support services to young people aged 15 to 29. The Y.E.S. provides facilities to enhance young people's employability, facilitate them to access the latest labour market information and help them secure a firm footing in the labour market for sustainable development. This new employment platform, serving as a focal point, also enables support and participation from the private sector and community for providing tailor-made services to young people. | |
![]() The new Youth Employment Start.
Labour RelationsRecord High Settlement Rate |
1.7 | The number of working days lost as a result of labour disputes in Hong Kong remains among the lowest in the world. Of the 124 labour disputes and 21 698 claims handled in the year, 71.7 per cent were resolved by our conciliation efforts, a record high since 1994. The waiting time for conciliation meetings was further shortened from 2.3 weeks in 2006 to 2.0 weeks in 2007. | |
Stepping Up Enforcement Against Wage Offences | ||
1.8 | In 2007, the Labour Department sustained its all-out efforts to combat wage
offences. Territory-wide inspection campaigns targeted at offence-prone trades were launched. We
collected intelligence on non-payment of wages in various industries through an early warning system
in collaboration with trade unions to step up enforcement against wage offences. The Employment
Claims Investigation Division conducted in-depth investigation into suspected wage offences and
employed veteran police officers to strengthen the investigative work and collection of intelligence
to facilitate speedy prosecution.
We continued to step up prosecution against employers and responsible persons of companies for wage offences. We also strengthened our educational and promotional efforts to remind employers of their statutory obligation to pay wages on time and to encourage employees to lodge claims promptly and come forward as prosecution witnesses. With rigorous enforcement, a total of 960 convicted summonses on wage offences were secured in 2007; an all-time high and up 22.3 per cent over that of 785 summonses in 2006. Five company directors and two other employers were given custodial sentences for defaulting wage payments. Community service order was imposed for the first time on two company directors due to wage offences. In addition, an employer was fined $150,000 for committing wage offences. |
Enhancing Good People Management Practices and Harmonious Labour Relations |
1.9 | To encourage the adoption of good people management practices in the workplace, we organised a wide range of promotional activities such as seminars, talks and exhibitions. A large-scale seminar was held in June to encourage employers to adopt family-friendly employment practices so as to help employees balance their work and family commitments. To promote harmonious labour relations, a large-scale seminar was organised for employers, sub-contractors, management staff and employee representatives of the construction industry in November. The seminar covered legislative requirements and good people management practices in the industry. | |
![]() A large-scale seminar held to encourage employers to adopt
family-friendly employment practices.
Employee Rights and BenefitsVigorous Enforcement against Illegal Employment |
1.10 |
The Labour Department collaborated with the Police and the Immigration Department to clamp down on illegal employment activities. The number of joint operations mounted in the year reached 170. We also widely publicised the complaint hotline (2815 2200) to encourage the public to report illegal employment activities. |
Wage Protection Movement for Cleaning Workers and Security Guards (WPM) |
1.11 | In 2006, the Government joined hands with the business community and the
labour sector to launch the WPM to protect the wage level of cleaning workers and security guards
through voluntary and non-legislative means.
In 2007, the Labour Department promoted the WPM and the spirit of "wage protection" to the general public through various means. Publicity measures included screening commercials and broadcasting Announcements in the Public Interest through various media channels, displaying advertisements in MTR stations and on the body of tramcars and buses, as well as hanging roadside banners, distributing leaflets and posters and organising exhibitions. We also conducted presentations on the WPM at the seminars on the Building Management (Amendment) Ordinance organised by the Home Affairs Department to brief representatives of owners' corporations on the WPM. With the concerted effort from all sectors, 1 070 enterprises/organisations pledged their support for the WPM as at the end of 2007. In addition, the department posted over 3 700 cleaning worker and security guard vacancies whose wage offers had been scaled up to the relevant market averages upon the department's persuasion as at the end of December. |
![]() Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr. Paul TANG at a
seminar with Labour Advisory Board member Mr. LEE Tak-ming, to call for support for and
participation in the Wage Protection Movement.
| ||
A mid-term review was conducted in October to gauge the progress of the WPM. As announced by the Chief Executive in the 2007-08 Policy Address, an overall review is scheduled for October 2008 to evaluate the effectiveness of WPM. Pursuant to the Policy Address, we also commenced in 2007 preparatory work for the possible introduction of a statutory minimum wage for cleaning workers and security guards should the overall review indicate the WPM to be ineffective. | ||
Safeguarding the Rights of Employees of Government Service Contractors |
1.12 | We conducted vigorous inspections to workplaces of non-skilled workers employed by government service contractors in order to protect their statutory rights and benefits under labour laws. In the year, a total of 685 inspections were conducted. We took out resolute prosecution against contractors whenever there was sufficient evidence of breach of the labour laws. A total of three contractors were prosecuted. Under the concerted effort of the Labour Department and procuring departments in stepping up monitoring and enforcement, the situation of contractors contravening the labour laws has greatly improved. | |
Sustained Drop in Applications for Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund |
1.13 | The Labour Department continued its all-out efforts in clamping down at source on employers evading their wage liabilities, thus preventing wage defaults from developing into claims on the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund. The number of applications for the fund decreased from 7 532 in 2006 to 4 836 in 2007, a record low since 1990. The fund registered a surplus of $442 million for 2007, the forth year that the fund recorded a surplus since the Asian financial crisis in 1997. | |
Safety and Health at WorkSafety of Tower Cranes |
1.14 |
In the light of the tragic accident involving the collapse of a tower crane in July, a blitz
operation targeting at the safe and proper use, maintenance, erection/alteration/dismantling of
tower cranes was launched, resulting in 10 prosecutions initiated, as well as eight improvement
notices and two suspension notices issued.
![]() Commissioner for Labour Mrs. Cherry TSE LING Kit-ching expressing
concerns about the safe and proper use of tower cranes during a visit to construction sites.
Safety of Renovation and Maintenance Works |
1.15 | To enhance the safety performance of renovation and maintenance works, the Labour Department continued to intensify enforcement actions to clamp down on offending contractors by further stepping up point-to-point inspections on normal working days, at night and during holidays. Territory-wide blitz campaigns and a joint operation with the Buildings Department on truss-out scaffolds were also launched. In these special exercises, 88 suspension/improvement notices were issued and 68 prosecutions were taken out. On the educational and promotional front, we held safety talks and seminars as well as staged large-scale promotional campaigns to enhance the safety awareness of people engaged in these works. We also jointly launched with the Occupational Safety and Health Council a subsidy scheme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to financially assist contractors and employers in need to purchase suitable fall protection equipment to improve the safety standard of working-at-height. | |
Safety Award Schemes |
1.16 | Two safety award schemes were organised for the catering and construction industries in the year to inculcate a safety culture and to enhance the safety awareness of employers, employees and their families. The schemes featured a variety of activities, including safety performance competitions, roving exhibitions, site visits, radio programmes, CD-ROMs, broadcast of promotional films on "RoadShow" and award presentation ceremonies cum fun days. | |
![]() Catering Industry Safety Award Scheme 2006/2007 - Award
Presentation Ceremony cum Fun Day.
Strengthening Local and International PartnershipsLabour Day Reception |
1.17 | On April 30, 2007, the then Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Mr. Stephen IP hosted a cocktail reception at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre to celebrate Labour Day and to pay tribute to the workforce. The Chief Executive Mr. Donald TSANG Yam-kuen officiated at the reception, with guests from trade unions, employer associations and other organisations. | |
![]() Labour Day Reception 2007.
Contacts with Other Labour Administrations |
1.18 | We maintain active liaison and interflows with other labour administrations through visits and participation in relevant activities. | |
1.19 | In June, Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Employees' Rights and Benefits) Mr. Stanley NG Ka-kwong led a tripartite team comprising government, employer and employee representatives to attend the 96th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva as part of the Chinese delegation. | |
![]() Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Employees' Rights and Benefits)
Mr. Stanley NG Ka-kwong (front row, third from right), and members of the tripartite team at the
96th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
In August 2007, Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Employment Services) Mr. Byron NG Kwok-keung also led a delegation to attend the Asian Employment Forum: Growth, Employment and Decent Work in Beijing in the name of "Hong Kong, China". Through participation in the events, the representatives kept abreast of the latest development of international labour matters, and strengthened their connections with officials of the International Labour Organization as well as their counterparts in the employer and employee sectors. | ||
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Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Employment Services) Mr. Byron
NG Kwok-keung (middle) leads a delegation to attend the Asian Employment Forum in Beijing.
1.20 | In September, Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Occupational Safety) Mr. TSO Sing-hin led a delegation to Chengdu, Sichuan to attend the second Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Work Safety Co-operation Joint Conference and Work Safety Co-operation and Development Forum. The objective of the conference cum forum is to enhance work safety co-operation among nine Mainland provinces (including Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and Macao Special Administrative Region. | |
1.21 | In November, Commissioner for Labour Mrs. Cherry TSE LING Kit-ching led a delegation to visit the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the State Council in Beijing and met with Minister Tian Chengping. The delegation also visited the State Administration of Work Safety. | |
![]() Commissioner for Labour Mrs. Cherry TSE LING Kit-ching (left)
meeting Minister Tian Chengping of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (right) in Beijing.