Appendix 2.3
Terms of Reference and Composition of the Labour Advisory Board and
Membership for the 2023-2024 term

Terms of Reference

The Labour Advisory Board advises the Commissioner for Labour on matters affecting labour, including legislation and Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Organisation. It may appoint such committees as it considers necessary and include any person not being a member of the Labour Advisory Board to serve on such committees.


The composition of the Labour Advisory Board is as follows:
Chairman Commissioner for Labour (ex-officio)
Members Five employee members elected by registered employee unions
Five employer members nominated by major employer associations
One employee member and one employer member appointed ad personam
Secretary A Senior Labour Officer


Ms May Chan Wing Shiu, JP

  Commissioner for Labour
Employee Representatives    
Ms Tam Kam Lin group  
Mr Lo Tai Chi
Mr Lam Wai Kong, MH elected by registered employee unions
Ms Julie Lai Mei Chu  
Ms Lai Na  
Mr Wong Yin Hao

  appointed ad personam

Employer Representatives  
Hon Ho Sai Chu, GBM, GBS, JP representing the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
Dr Kim Mak Kin Wah, BBS, JP representing the Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong
Mr Irons Sze, BBS, JP representing the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong
Mr Emil Yu Chen On, BBS, JP representing the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
Mr Ricky Chan Wai Chung representing the Federation of Hong Kong Industries
Dr Bankee Kwan Pak Hoo, BBS, JP appointed ad personam
Ms Rosanna Chan Pui Sze Senior Labour Officer