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2025 Labour Advisory Board By-election of Employee Representative

There is a vacancy in the current term of the Labour Advisory Board (LAB) Note arising from the resignation of an elected employee representative. Details of the by-election for returning one employee representative to fill the vacant seat until 31 December 2026 are as follows:

Date : 29 March 2025 (Saturday)
Time : Authorised representatives appointed by registered electors may cast their votes from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Venue : Function Rooms, 3/F, South Tower
The Salisbury – YMCA of Hong Kong
41 Salisbury Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
(near Exit L6 of East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station)
Click here for GeoInfo Map
Click here for Location Map of Polling Station

During the nomination period from 3 February to 25 February 2025, the Labour Department received three valid nominations of candidates from employee unions registered under the Trade Unions Ordinance. The candidates, listed in the order of receipt of nomination forms by the Labour Department, are:

1. Mr Yang Kaiqiang Vice Chairman, Hong Kong Seamen's Union
2. Mr Chong Yuk Shing Chairman, Hong Kong Security Guards Alliance
3. Mr Yeung Wai Leung Chairman, Union of Government School Teachers

A total of 837 employee unions registered as electors have appointed authorised representatives to vote in the election.


Tel : 2852 4024
Fax : 2854 3435 / 3105 0635
E-mail : LAB2025@LABOUR.GOV.HK

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Note: LAB is a tripartite consultative body comprising representatives of employees and employers to advise the Commissioner for Labour on labour matters.