Labour Advisory Board Report 2005-2006 - Chapter 5
Committee on Employment Services
In May 1976, a sub-committee of the Labour Advisory Board was appointed to advise the Commissioner for Labour on matters concerning the operation of the Employment Services Division of the Labour Department (LD). The sub-committee was renamed the Committee on Employment Services (CES) in 1978 and its terms of reference were extended to cover the work of all divisions under the Employment Services Programme of the LD.
Terms of Reference
The committee is established to:
- advise on the employment services provided by the Labour Department, including those for the able-bodied and people with disabilities, and the careers advisory service for young people;
- advise on legislative provisions relating to the operation of employment agencies; and
- advise on legislative provisions relating to the employment of local workers outside Hong Kong.
Chairman: | To be appointed from the non-government sector |
Members: | Two# employer representatives from the Labour Advisory Board |
Two# employee representatives from the Labour Advisory Board | |
Two employer representatives from outside the Labour Advisory Board | |
Two employee representatives from outside the Labour Advisory Board | |
A representative nominated by a major employer user of the employment services of the Labour Department | |
A representative of people with disabilities who make use of the employment services of the Labour Department | |
Two representatives nominated by two employment agency associations | |
A representative nominated by the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters | |
A representative nominated by the Employees Retraining Board | |
A representative nominated by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management | |
A representative from one of the social partners of the Labour Department | |
A representative from a tertiary educational institution | |
Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Employment Services) | |
Secretary: | A Labour Officer of the Labour Department |
#Only one representative shall be appointed if the chairman has been appointed from this group.
The membership list of the CES for the term 2005-2006 is at Appendix II.
Activities During the 2005-2006 Term
During the 2005-2006 term, the CES offered advice on the following employment services and programmes:
Employment ServicesThe Employment Services Division provides free employment services to able-bodied job-seekers. The Employment Information and Promotion Division aims at strengthening the promotion of the LD's employment services and the collection of job vacancy information through organising publicity and promotional activities. The Selective Placement Division offers specialised placement service to people with disabilities seeking open employment. The CES gave valuable suggestions on new programmes and improvement measures, including the Work Trial Scheme, Employment Programme for the Middle-aged, Work Orientation and Placement Scheme, the establishment of new job centres and organisation of job fairs, etc.
Youth Pre-employment Training Programme, Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme and Youth Self-employment Support SchemeThe Youth Pre-employment Training Programme was launched in September 1999 to enhance the competitiveness and employability of young school leavers aged 15-19 through pre-employment training. The Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme was launched in July 2002 to provide on-the-job training to young people aged 15-24 with education attainment below degree level. The Youth Self-employment Support Scheme was a pilot scheme launched from May 2004 to September 2005 to train and assist young people aged 18-24 who had motivation, entrepreneurship and innovation to become self-employed. The CES noted the progress of the employment programmes and provided valuable suggestions on their implementation.
Career guidance serviceThe Careers Advisory Service provides careers information and guidance to secondary school students and young people to facilitate their careers planning through a variety of activities. These activities include a series of special activities for Form Five students upon the release of the HKCEE results, Education & Careers Expo and Careers Quiz. The CES gave valuable suggestions on the activities mentioned above.
Regulation of employment agenciesThe Employment Agencies Administration monitors the operation of employment agencies under Part XII of the Employment Ordinance and the Employment Agency Regulations made thereunder. The CES also provided valuable suggestions on measures to protect the interests of job-seekers including foreign domestic helpers making use of the service of employment agencies.
VisitsIn November 2005, the CES visited the Chinese Cuisine Training Institute to understand the vocational training offered by the institute. In 2006, the CES visited the Cathay Pacific City, the Science Park and the newly established Job Centre in Yuen Long to gain better understanding of the employment practices and services of various organisations. Committee members were pleased to note the latest services and facilities provided to job-seekers by the Job Centres.