Labour Advisory Board Report 2015-2016 - Chapter 1
Membership of Labour Advisory Board
From 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016

Labour Advisory Board for the 2015-2016 term
Chairman: | Mr Donald Tong Chi Keung, JP [up to 18.9.2016] Mr Carlson Chan Ka Shun, JP (front row: middle) [from 6.10.2016 onwards] |
Commissioner for Labour (ex-officio) |
Members: | Employer representatives | |
The Honourable Ho Sai Chu, GBM, GBS, JP (front row: 2nd from left) |
representing the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce |
Dr Kim Mak Kin Wah, BBS, JP (front row: 1st from left) |
representing the Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong |
Mr Irons Sze, BBS, JP (back row: 5th from left) |
representing the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong |
Mr Emil Yu Chen On (back row: 4th from left) |
representing the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |
The late Mr Stanley Lau Chin Ho, SBS, MH, JP [up to 12.6.2016] Mr Jimmy Kwok Chun Wah, BBS, MH, JP (back row: 3rd from left) [from 8.7.2016 onwards] |
representing the Federation of Hong Kong Industries - ditto - |
Mr Cheung Sing Hung, BBS (back row: 2nd from left) |
appointed ad personam | |
Employee representatives | ||
Mr Leung Chau Ting (front row: 2nd from right) |
elected by registered employee unions |
Mr Stanley Ng Chau Pei (front row: 1st from right) |
- ditto - | |
Mr Chau Siu Chung (back row: 4th from right) |
- ditto - | |
Ms Wong Siu Han (back row: 3rd from right) |
- ditto - | |
Mr Charles Chan Yiu Kwong (back row: 2nd from right) [from 16.3.2015 onwards] |
- ditto - | |
Ms Rose Chan So Hing (back row: 1st from right) |
appointed ad personam | |
Secretary: | Ms Samantha Lam Yick Wah (back row: 1st from left) [up to 20.12.2016] Ms Esther Chan Lai Heung [from 21.12.2016 onwards] |
Senior Labour Officer (International Liaison) of Labour Department |